Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Jerusalem artichokes delight!

I have to say, for those that have never tried Jerusalem artichokes it is quite an experience. I had a few of them delivered to me by Abel&Cole and I really didn't know what to do with them. It is a root and despite its name it doesn't have anything to do with Jerusalem. Indeed they were first cultivated by the Native Americans!
 so I decided to look for a simple recipe and try them. I have to say I am very happy with the soup and the flavour is quite peculiar but nice. If you haven't tried them yet, have a go, I think they are quite a nice vegetable!

Jerusalem Artichoke soup

1litre vegetable stock
500g Jerusalem artichokes, peeled (keep the peeling) and finely sliced
284ml carton double cream
a few strands of chive, chopped.

    1. Method

    1. Heat the stock in a large pan, add the peelings and simmer for 20 minutes to add extra flavour, then sieve

    1. Add the Jerusalem artichokes to the stock. Once it's simmering, add the cream and season. Cook the artichokes until soft, purée the whole lot in a liquidiser, then sieve. Sprinkle with chives before serving.


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